Weekly Report

In: +7.53
Out: -3.86
Destash: 0
Net: +3.68
YTD: +28.84
Spending YTD: $2435.23

In: Fabric, thread and notions, and more fabric! The gold on the left and two pieces on the far right are for kiddo garments.

On the far left is a seam gauge, works like a charm but I need a strong magnet to attach to the underside in place of using adhesive, the magnet I have isn’t very strong.

Now the sewing! I’ve been up to a bunch of it.

Out: Stuff!! I shared Wednesday and then more stuff! It’s nee a great week! Of course the kids were out of town, sew, that makes a difference. LOL

Last Week’s List:

  1. Wedding quilt!!! X
  2. Charity quilting √
  3. Shawl knitting √
  4. String Art!!! √
  5. SAHRR X
  6. Finish pillow √
  7. Luggage Tags √
  8. Rowdy Shorts √√
  9. Plate Cozy √
  10. Squish Outfit √√
  11. Notions Holder
  12. Rowdy Romper √
  13. 2nd Saturday BOM √

This Week List:

  1. Wedding quilt*
  2. More garments
  3. Shawl Knitting
  4. SAHRR
  5. Guild BOM
  6. See the grands!!

Last Week: 47,182 yds/236 sks
In: 0 yds/0 sks
Out: -21 yds/-0 skns
Destash: 3906 yds/30 skns
On Hand: 47,161 yds/236 sks
Cost: $115.91

In: Nothing

Out: Not much, only did a bit of knitting while in a meeting.

*I am waiting on a glue applicator to use for holding the letters in place while I use my embroidery machine to stitch down the letters.

Link Ups
Sunday: QPA QPC Oh Scrap
Monday: Melva Design Wall
Tuesday: Quilt Schmilt

The Grands are home from their Florida trip!!!
All the kids are coming over for Mother’s Day today.
I wish you a day full of family!

Weekly Report

In: +0
Out: -5.11
Destash: 0
Net: -5.11
YTD: +25.29
Spending YTD: $2255.88

In: Sublimation files, see below, a mini iron silicon pad and batting for plate cozies.

Out: Finished the latest baby quilt, but that’s for a TGIFF reveal this week. Come back and link up here! Got a charity quilt on the frame, quilting a holly and ivy panto on it. Finally quilted and bound the latest hot pads for gift giving. I am up to 6 in my goodie box. Then I got my RSC Pink blocks done, started on a pillow cover, and made some more pillowcases for charity. But then I had to stop sewing to attend a concert. So I took my knitting! We went to see a Tom Petty Tribute band. Such a fun evening with friends.

In non sewing FOs I made the grands T-shirts for their upcoming trip to Disney.

Last Week’s To Do:

  1. Quilt Pentatonic √
  2. Applique on Wedding X
  3. Quilt Hot Pads √
  4. Shawl knitting /
  5. Make String Art X
  6. SAHRR progress X
  7. Charity quilt /
  8. T-shirts √
  9. Pillowcases √
  10. Pillow Cover
  11. RSC Blocks √

This Week’s To Do:

  1. Get those letters on that wedding quilt!!!
  2. Finish charity quilting
  3. Shawl knitting
  4. Make the String Art!!!
  5. SAHRR
  6. Finish the pillow cover

Last Week: 47,224 yds/236 sks
In: 0 yds/0 sks
Out: -42 yds/-0 skns
Destash: 3906 yds/30 skns
On Hand: 47,182 yds/236 sks
Cost: $115.91

In: Nothing

Out: The yardage and photo don’t really show much progress. As the rows get longer the time it takes to knit a row is forever! Shadow Shawl in Malabrigo Primavera and Emma’s Yarn Weathervane. STILL loving everything about this!!!

Link Ups
Sunday: QPA QPC Oh Scrap
Monday: Melva Design Wall
Tuesday: Quilt Schmilt