Weekly Report

In: +7.53
Out: -3.86
Destash: 0
Net: +3.68
YTD: +28.84
Spending YTD: $2435.23

In: Fabric, thread and notions, and more fabric! The gold on the left and two pieces on the far right are for kiddo garments.

On the far left is a seam gauge, works like a charm but I need a strong magnet to attach to the underside in place of using adhesive, the magnet I have isn’t very strong.

Now the sewing! I’ve been up to a bunch of it.

Out: Stuff!! I shared Wednesday and then more stuff! It’s nee a great week! Of course the kids were out of town, sew, that makes a difference. LOL

Last Week’s List:

  1. Wedding quilt!!! X
  2. Charity quilting √
  3. Shawl knitting √
  4. String Art!!! √
  5. SAHRR X
  6. Finish pillow √
  7. Luggage Tags √
  8. Rowdy Shorts √√
  9. Plate Cozy √
  10. Squish Outfit √√
  11. Notions Holder
  12. Rowdy Romper √
  13. 2nd Saturday BOM √

This Week List:

  1. Wedding quilt*
  2. More garments
  3. Shawl Knitting
  4. SAHRR
  5. Guild BOM
  6. See the grands!!

Last Week: 47,182 yds/236 sks
In: 0 yds/0 sks
Out: -21 yds/-0 skns
Destash: 3906 yds/30 skns
On Hand: 47,161 yds/236 sks
Cost: $115.91

In: Nothing

Out: Not much, only did a bit of knitting while in a meeting.

*I am waiting on a glue applicator to use for holding the letters in place while I use my embroidery machine to stitch down the letters.

Link Ups
Sunday: QPA QPC Oh Scrap
Monday: Melva Design Wall
Tuesday: Quilt Schmilt

The Grands are home from their Florida trip!!!
All the kids are coming over for Mother’s Day today.
I wish you a day full of family!


Welcome To TGIFF for this week. Please share your finishes here, and once you’ve shared, click on the links posted below to see what everyone else has finished this week!

For my finish I am sharing Baby Quilt #5 of 7 for the year! And I had so much fun designing this one.

This baby quilt was made for the lady who runs the music activity Squish and I have attended for the last 2 years. It has been a fun activity for us to do when she spends the night and has introduced Squish to music and movement. She has come a long way in learning how to follow instruction and interact with her class mates.

We found out her teacher was expecting this June, so of course I wanted to make a quilt for the baby. She had no color scheme or theme for the baby’s room, so I took that to mean I had full control of design and color. It was only natural that I turn to the Pentatonic Scale and the colors of the bells she uses in class.

I built the panels by descending color to represent C, D, E, G and A on the Pentatonic Scale. In hindsight I should have placed the colors ascending since C starts lower on the scale. Oh well, it’s done and dusted, so it’s not changing.

On the left side of the letter note panel I quilted the note 3 times across the staff. Then to the right I place all 5 notes of the Pentatonic Scale across the staff. Behind the letters I did a grid, the “piano keys”, aka B/W striped fabric, just got “piano key” quilting, and each letter was outlined.

Because I had a white back and was using matching colors to quilt in each color I had a ton of threads to bury!! Never again, from now on I will use a blending back when changing thread colors.

We were able to present to the teacher on the last day Squish could attend before summer break. They have 1 more session but Squish and her family are headed to Florida to visit my Mom and Sister. Miss O was so happy with the finished quilt.

Now it’s your turn to share.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter
