SAHRR 2024-Dashing Geese

Watch along as I build my SAHRR from idea to finish. This may take awhile!

My center block was a test I did for the RSC 2024 project, but decided after doing a huge block last year, I didn’t want to do another labor intensive block. So the test became my SAHRR center, and I love it! Gail shared a link up for the center blocks.

Round 1 was started with Wendy. Her prompt was Signature Block. After reading Kathleen’s take on her round I went to my EQ8 and found the perfect block to continue a theme of Flying Geese for my 2024 SAHRR.

Round 2 was Anja’s turn to suggest a prompt. She chose 2 colors. I thought this a great idea, but it doesn’t match my vision for my SAHRR, so I went with a round of Flying Geese.

I needed to make 84 Geese, and knew working at home would find distraction, To that end I went to a local shop for a sewing day to stay on target. And it worked! I got 56 done there and finished the rest at home.

Round 3 is Triangles from Emily

I didn’t want to add more triangles having just made a round of…..triangles, LOL. So I got this crazy ideal I wanted to do Orange Peels. After tweaking my idea I found the perfect solution, curved triangles! I added triangles for the outer round to create a base. To cut the Orange Peels I realized 1/4 of a 6″ circle was the perfect arc for each side of the peel. 44 cut peels later I was ready to appliqué.

Round 4 is Square in a Square from Brenda

I chose to do a Square2, 2 rounds on the square. I decided doing the prints on round 2 would keep the piece light and airy. Most of the cutting was done at a local shop’s sew day, but only 2 test blocks sewn. I added coping strips to the piece and then added 1″ strips of a print to define the Square2 border.

For Round 5 Gail chose the #4

My plan was 4 Flying Geese in a Pinwheel design. Knowing that the name of my project is Dashing Geese, it was only right that I went in the direction of the Geese.

Round 6 is the final round for the SAL, but I am planning to continue. But for this final round Kathleen chose Letters or Numbers. And this can be interpreted anyway you like. Since I am trying to keep my theme of Flying Geese going, this has become a struggle. Also, since I don’t want a heavy or print laden block, it has added to the search to find a good balance. The reason for my dilemma is, I want it larger, so that means adding more rounds. But more rounds is getting difficult to design with the parameters I have set. So do I go off plan?

Here is the current state of my piece and the plan I am considering

I have toyed with having a large plain border to do some quilting in and I finally just said, do it! So Round 6 will be a 7″ border of fabric. I hope to work on my feathers and create a lovely border of quilting. Then Round 7 will be Churn Dash, one of my fav blocks. And hey, it has “flying geese” in the corners, right? I will make the corner HSTs in a different color from the bars to keep with the FG theme. Round 8 will be more Flying Geese Pinwheels, because I hate myself. LOL. And then the final round is the checkerboard. All of these rounds take my top to about 106″. Which allows for it to fit on my bed which has a deep mattress. After quilting and washing I hope to still have over 100″ square.

Round 6 concluded the SAHRR for 2024, the quilt parade will took place mid March, mine was not finished. I enjoyed this year’s SAHRR as a play along instead of a designer, because I don’t know that I would have gone this direction if I had been on the designing end. I would have started this in November and who knows where my thoughts would have taken me?

Thank you to Gail and her merry band of Bloggers for a great Round Robin!!

35 thoughts on “SAHRR 2024-Dashing Geese

  1. I love your version of the signature block. And the geese! Yay for perseverance in getting those all made. As for 2 colors, how about “geese” and “background?”

  2. You picked such a fun center block. Each border really enhances the center. Your quilt, your rules. I take the prompts as suggestions, not mandates. Looking forward to seeing what our next prompt is.

  3. WOW! This is gorgeous!! I never would have thought of orange peels for a triangle round, but it looks fantastic!! Can’t wait to see how this looks at the end; I love it so far!!

  4. Round four is looking great. These rounds do eat up the time as the quilt gets bigger, don’t they? How fun that you can rent space to work away from home distractions.

    1. There is a big distraction at my house, his name is Cooper and he’’s 40 lbs of spoiled brat! LOL. Thanks, I am liking the progress, just hoping I can finish with a clear direction.


  5. Your SAHRR is coming along beautifully, Chris! I really like the flying geese pinwheels for your round of 4. I love your colors and fabrics, too!

  6. Your idea for the next border that looks like birds flying is really neat, Chris! Good luck with making these blocks and deciding how you want to finish out the whole top. It’s a beauty, already!

  7. So many lovely geese in your life. Just gave me the shivers thinking of how much ripping I would need to do in making so many, but then you are not me, and I am not you(you can be thankful for that). Thanks as well for the sharing of your process thoughts.I love the piece, and hope to see it through to completion. This has been such a fun adventure into play. Bonne chance!

  8. I love this! It will be interesting to see how you finish it. You have so many gorgeous choices…and who knows you may get that top done on a crazy day or two of sewing. Good luck finalizing your next round/s.

    1. Thanks Kathleen! I am hoping I can decide on the best way to finish it, I know where my heart lies, but know that path means tons more piecing. LOL


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