New York Beauty

The guild had Nancy Roelfsema in as a speaker on Monday and then Tuesday she did a class for us on New York Beauty with paper piecing. Wonderful instructor!! And now that I have found her YouTube channel, I know what I will be doing during recovery from my foot surgery*! Knitting and watching videos. LOL

In the class Nancy taught us her method of using paper foundation piecing to create the interesting arches of the NYB blocks. I always say I learn at least 1 new piece of info from every class I take, and this day was no exception. Lots of tips will be used going forward. And some new notions and patterns were purchased for going forward! LOL.

I wanted to include one of her hand painted pieces in my project, so grabbed a few that took my fancy.

I was able to complete 1 block in class with the 2nd arch ready to go for a 2nd block. The project is on the cover of the book on the right in the above photo. Below is the block and the fabric that will make up the 2nd block. The 2nd block will have another arch below the one I have completed and it will alternate the teal and rust fabric. The hand painted fabric will be the small convex piece and the dotted fabric the large concave piece.

Now I just have to decide if these 2 blocks will even go in the same project. LOL! Probably. I plan on carrying fabrics from one block to the next and use them in different areas. Below is my fabric pull.

Since I will be unable to bear weight on my foot during recovery, I made sure to set up a sewing station on my dining room table. I don’t want to try navigating stairs with crutches. Once I am back on my feet butt, I will get back to sewing blocks for my friend’s quilt and the NYB project.

Oh, and that guild Crayon challenge that I am still planning to do.

*I am having a Plantar Fascia tear repaired on my left foot. Ouch!

12 thoughts on “New York Beauty

  1. Karen over at is making NY Beauty too! Those hand painted fabrics are awesome. When is your surgery? I guess you’ll be wearing a boot at some point?

    1. Surgery is at 11:45 eastern. So getting ready to head out in a bit. I will be in a boot and on crutches for a few weeks. Will make pontooning tricky! 🤣🤣

      Keeping you in Stitches! Chris

  2. Love your NYB blocks and always fun to take a great class. Glad you are having the repair and time to plan (my broken ankle was unplanned) and I didn’t sew for weeks. The other good news is some machines work with the button and not foot pedal AND when I was ready the foot pedal was good for gaining some control and pedal work not in a car! Wishing you the best as you recuperate…sounds like you have a good plan. Who is watching the GKs then??? You do have them a lot, don’t you?

    1. Thanks Kathleen! I am sitting sewing right now. My daughter is working from home so she works around naps and my SIL’s work schedule. When I can, I keep them to help out.

      Keeping you in Stitches! Chris

Cat got your tongue?

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