
I turned cartwheels all the time when I was younger. Many years and a hip replacement later, my cartwheeling days done. But I can do Cartwheels of another kind. At least, that’s what I am calling this project.

The pattern is Ferris Wheel Flowers from Presto Avenue. Until I get this project done I will just be spinning my wheels. LOL

I was working on SAHRR blocks, yes I am still working on my 2024 SAHRR!, when I just had to pull fabric for this pattern. I think this was one of the easiest pulls I’ve made in a long time. Of course I had to start sewing it.

I got the wheels done and then auditioned fabrics for the centers. I had no trouble finding a center for the pink and red wheels, but I struggled finding the right center for the yellow wheel.

After I had them done I decided the yellow center had to go. Thankfully I found a better solution. Now I need to appliqué the wheels and leaves to my background. I haven’t decided on hand or machine stitching, probably machine.

In other sewing I have 2 tops ready for quilting, I actually have about 9 tops ready, but these 2 are the recent ones.

For the wedding top I might do a panto on the strip piecing and a grid patten behind the appliqué letters, or I may just use it as a blank canvas for a bunch of free motion shapes. The Quilt of Valor top will get a panto, possibly a star one.

I talk a lot about my local-ish shop, Quilts Plus. Once a month we have Quilt Therapy where we talk all things quilty. Last month she showed a slide of a quilt made with 64 patch blocks. Connie challenged us to bring in blocks this month using a strip of Green Grunge she gave us. Here are the 13 blocks collected on the wall, including the 2 I made.

Then she had each of us pick a bolt of fabric to audition as side/corner triangles. She is going to choose from our bolts and finish this off for charity.

18 thoughts on “Cartwheel!

  1. LOVE the cartwheel pattern! I assume you have the wedge ruler? If so, what is the brand?

    Yours are the prettiest green grunge blocks. 😀 That’s going to be one spectacular quilt.

      1. Thanks I just found that ruler for a bargain – lol!! I’m so excited. Now I need to buy the pattern. Look what you’ve started! 😀

  2. Cartwheels were not my favorite thing but the kind you are doing now I can really get into. They are gorgeous and you sound like me with so many tops waiting to quilt. I hardly am ever in that position but I haven’t caught up from my January retreat and now there is one in June. Your tops are fab – the wedding quilt and the QOV – and will be well loved by the recipient. I do love the simple wedding quilt, might be one I do for my nieces/nephews for an anniversary sometime or my son’s friends.

    1. Thanks Kathleen! My retreat isn’t until September, so hopefully I can knock out some quilting and make space in the closet for more tops? LOL It is a great pattern when you don’t want a time consuming pattern, but want to make something special for the couple.


  3. The Cartwheel project is stunning already!! Makes me want to find that pattern right away. LOL

    I like that idea of giving everyone a strip of the green and have you make those blocks for a group project. What fun!!

      1. I must admit that I went to the designers website and ended up buying 2 patterns. She has some really fun designs. Thanks for sharing the info. Sara

  4. I really like your cartwheel blocks and their leaves! Can’t wait to see what you do with them! Your local quilt shop project is so cool—look how different the block looks turned on point! Wow!

  5. Chris you had another great week moving projects along. I love your Cartwheel quilt and think I need to go check out this pattern. What a fun group project and having one common fabric in each block is genius to tie it all together. Hope you managed to get your two lovely quilts quilted this week. Thank you for linking with ToDo Tuesday. 😁

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