To-Do Tuesday

Let’s Party!

I want to apologize for not getting to your posts last week to comment. It’s just been a really bad week, no, MONTH. I will apologize for this week too, as I just don’t have it in my right now to visit each site. I am truly sorry for being such a bad hostess right now.

Last Week:

  1. Nothing

To say I kicked it on this goal is putting it lightly. Nothing was accomplished to the max. The only thing I could deal with was the mayhem of our lives right now.

This Week:

  1. Nothing

My focus is on recovery. Mom has Covid, and now I do too. She ended up going into slight pneumonia and had to stay a few nights in the hospital. Now we wait to see if my sister and Hubster end up with it. I have just had a slight fever and slight congestion. My Dad is at his aftercare facility and doing much better. I cannot go see him, except to sit outside his window and talk on the phone. Our only question is, where did Mom get it, and why didn’t Dad catch it when it ended up right next door to his room at the rehab? It boggles the mind. 

I have been stranded at my parents house since August 18th. Mom got sick the 19th. I stayed behind to help Mom while Hubster went back home. Her Dr thought it was a respiratory thing. I was showing no symptoms. On August 25th Hubster had to work close to my parents house so he came here and spent the night. By August 26th I was showing symptoms. Uh-oh. Yesterday he started showing symptoms. For the two of us unvaccinated patients we are only experience mild symptoms, like a cold. I’ve had pneumonia and strep and this is nothing like those. My biggest complaint is the fever won’t break. So I isolate. But I am getting released today when Hubster drives down to pick me up and take me home. Where I can be with my pups and my comforts.

Announcement: To-Do Tuesday will now be hosted by Texas Quilt Gal! Thank you Linda for taking this on. Be sure to bookmark her site for all the weekly link parties. 

And now I come to the conclusion of my reign as the To-Do Tuesday party hostess. I just can’t do this right now. Our life is in turmoil and I need to focus on my family and my life before all else. I will likely be taking a blogging break. My heart is heavy for all the strife in the world and the stupidity of our Federal administration. I weep for those left behind in Afghanistan. I weep for the people in our lives who have gone through injuries lately, and their caregivers. For those in our family dealing with long term health concerns. It wears you down. I am turning off comments to this post, I really don’t have the oomph in me right now to attend to comments.  Thank you for any prayers and good thoughts. 

After dealing with the shit show that was August 2020, a wedding during Covid and my fist diagnosis of Covid-despite not ever getting sick, and the even shittier show in August 2021, I am determined to skip August from now on. I told ScientistGirl she has to change all her celebration days in August to another month. She didn’t appreciate that. 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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