2022 Round Robin Week 4 Signature Blocks

Here we are at Week 4, Week 4? How can it be?

Wendy has the details on her prompt for this week, Signature Blocks. Eek! I do not care for Signature Blocks. So I assumed I would not find a block that I would want to use. I opened my Electric Quilt 8 to see what I could use, after all those Star pieces, I was looking for easy!

Can’t get any plainer than that. LOL.

The other day I said that I had 52 blocks to make, so I tried to get going on them a few days ago. Yes, a few days ago. Oh how I can procrastinate! I went up to the studio, but forgot the computer with my info. No problem, I knew I was doing a corner stitch and flip. So out came the fabric and 4.5″ backgrounds and 3″ squares were cut. So easy!!

I marked a diagonal line on the 3″ squares and followed the line to make the corner pieces, but before cutting off the corners I sewed another line 1/2″ from the first so I would have bonus HSTs!! These will be used for a pillow or table runner in the future.

Now, I hadn’t cut out all 52 sets, I just did a bunch and started sewing. Once I had enough blocks I made 1 side of 12 blocks, based on the mock up I had done. Only, when I looked at things, the strip was too long for the side I was going to add it to. Thankfully I had yet to cut my coping strips, so I sat down to determine where I went wrong. And my conclusion, the day I decided to cut 4.5″ and 3″ squares! Seems my design was for 3″ finished blocks, not 4″!!! Oy! Instead of 2.5″ coping strips I needed to cut 4.5″ strips to add to the last round. This also meant I only needed 10 per sides with 4 corner blocks, a total of 44, not 52 blocks. And wouldn’t you know it, I had 44 background squares cut. Karma! So, here’s how I envisioned my latest round would look:

And here’s how it looks in real life!

Wider inner border and less blocks around. You may also notice some blocks lack the blue corner. Hmm, why might that be? Well, you will have to wait to find out the reason for that next week! I have an idea of what I might do, but if that falls through I will just add those missing corners at that time.

OK, off you go to see how others have interpreted this week’s prompt. And let me apologize for the lack of participation in reading your blog posts on your progress. Life has been a little squirrely around here lately. I hope to do a better job this week of playing Ketchup!

25 thoughts on “2022 Round Robin Week 4 Signature Blocks

  1. You’ve planned your quilt so well, Chris! Mine is just flying by the seat of it’s pants! LOL

  2. It turned out great. I like how you’re adding a little border between each round. Can’t wait to see what’s next.

  3. Hi Chris!! This is one of my favorite blocks, although I took a different approach. Aren’t all those bonus HSTs fun to play with, too?!! Yowza, this piece is coming together so nicely. I just LOVE the fabrics and how you’ve place them. You have a good eye for this, my friend. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Oh, I like the alternating red and blue corners on the same block! Looks great! And I’m glad the math worked out for you after all, and with fewer blocks!

Cat got your tongue?

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