Monday Making Designs

Several weeks ago I made a cryptic plea for prayers due to a circumstance in our lives. Our “Easter” was actually 1 week after the real date, we often do our Holidays on any day BUT the real Holiday. We were all gathered when Diva and CarGuy announced, through Big Sister and Brother bandanas on their doggos, that they are expecting. 

The prayers were due to the fact she was having a lot of nausea and not keeping food down. A week later she ended up in the ER due to sharp abdominal pain and nausea. Our fear was miscarriage, as I had one in between the girls. And she was about the same stage as I when we lost the baby. But all was well, heart beat was strong and the pain was due to a fibroid they discovered. They will monitor it, but it shouldn’t be an issue.

So in November 2021 I will become Gee! Since finding out I have gone back and forth about what I will be called. My girls started out calling our moms Mimi, but then switched to Grandma. I was thinking Mimi, but it just wasn’t capturing my heart. This past weekend we hosted a Graduation Party for Diva on Saturday and then Mother’s Day brunch on Sunday. While discussing the issue on Sunday, CarGuy said his mom wasn’t sure if she wanted to be Mimi or something else. I said she could have Mimi, no problem. My sister suggested Gigi, but that’s reserved for Great Grandmas in my mind. Then she said, how about G? Perfect! So I will take Gee, or whatever the babe wants to call me! What are you called? 

Now the sewing and knitting will begin! First item, this hat is getting made! She’s a huge Mandalorian fan. I need to re-work the pattern for worsted weight. And then baby’s quilt will  definitely be this pattern. I made this one in 2020 for our cousins’ grand baby. 

This is one of my most favorite projects. From the fabric, to pattern, to the quilting, I just love it. 

So now the secret’s out, and I can shout it from the roof tops! I’m going to be a Gee!!!!

Monday Making Designs

We are back from camping. What a lovely weekend. 

Looks like momma needs a new camp chair! LOL

Last week I was looking for a low brain wave activity, and eyeing some scraps, so I decided it was time to make zippered pouches. I used a production line method to construct them, and it worked fairly well….er…well maybe not so much. LOL! Can you spot the mistake?


After correcting the mistake I went about finishing the pouches. In my attempt to redo the problem child, I got the zipper tape twisted! Argh! But not to worry, I trim the zipper lengths anyway. So I cut the tail, took the pull off, and repositioned the tape. I didn’t take a photo of that debacle! This is the method I use to reattach the zipper head. I still need to put beaded pulls on them. 

Here’s my pouch parade!

They are not very big, the largest is maybe 4″x5″. 

Today’s plans are baby quilt blocks I need to piece together and quilting a charity quilt. I am going to try to quilt and piece a little each day, instead of devoting all my sewing time to one or the other. I am starting to have hip issues on my last natural hip, so I want to speak with my hip surgeon about the best practice for avoiding surgery a bit longer. I can’t say it’s been the increased stationary bike riding, or standing and quilting for long hours, plus enforced sitting while sewing, but I can’t say they aren’t contributing to it. Hopefully the Dr can help me determine the cause and a temporary fix. 4.5 years ago my surgery was a must do because the labrum was completely torn and it was absolute bone on bone. There was no alternative to surgery, even though the Dr felt I was too young for replacement. Quality of life was rock bottom, and I am so glad I had the surgery, but I am not looking forward to another surgery any time soon! 

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Monday Making