2022 Round Robin Week 1 Curves

For this round I chose Dunkard’s Path for my curves. I took a class recently and really enjoyed the process. The only templates I had were for a 6″ block, so I needed to do some refiguring.

The issue with the pieces of the DP is, the curves are not equal. You can not cut them with the same arc, it must be 2 different sizes for the quarter-circle-circumference to match when you sew the pieces together. To make a 4.5″ finished DP block, I need to cut 1 charm square with an 8″ quarter circle arc, and the contrast piece with a 9″ quarter circle arc.

The blue piece will use the top Concave piece and the gold will use the convex piece when sewn together. Using this knowledge I pieced this wall hanging for Squish’s room.

When I saw Anja had chosen Curves for this week’s round, there was never a doubt what I would use. All I needed to do was cut my pieces to make a 4″ finished block, sew them together, and see how much of a coping strip I would need around my center block. To make the 4″ blocks I used an 8″ for the convex piece and 7″ for concave one.

My center block was 8.5″ unfinished and my DP blocks would be 12.5″ along the side seam, so I knew I needed to add a 2.5″ border around my center block. 8.5 + 2.5 + 2.5 = 13.5″ and then I take away the seams allowance on both sides, -1″ total, for a total of 12.5″. Perfect! If in doubt, add more, it can always be trimmed off.

The trick to sewing these curves is creases at the quarter marks. And working those sections by a little wiggling. If the photos aren’t enough to help you, catch *this video I made of the process. Sorry it’s B&W, I can’t figure out why it does that when I upload it to my computer from QuickTime.

This project is going to be a scrappy project, I am trying very hard to not dictate which fabrics go together. I am going for contrast more than matching. And so far I am loving it!!!

My only issue is the lower left side where the coping strip fabric meets the convex curve of the DP block. It’s the same fabric! Oh well, it’s what it is, and overall it won’t hurt the finish.

Now, hop around the loop and check out how the other designer’s interpreted the Curves prompt.

*Yes, I mislabeled the curves!! I said I didn’t know for sure, and I obviously didn’t! LOL

28 thoughts on “2022 Round Robin Week 1 Curves

  1. I love this! The random scrappy look is fabulous for the design you have so far. I actually really like that your border “bleeds” into the one curve that is the same fabric; I think it looks like the border is extending itself into the next one.

  2. This is such a nice addition, Chris! I’ve played with curves, but this will be a new challenge for me to actually piece some!!

  3. Hi Chris! You’re little piece for Squish is cute and turned out fab. What the heck are the odds that fabric would end up next to the border like that?? I know it would have happened for me, for sure!! I love how this is coming together. This gives the whole piece some movement. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. I’m so impressed with your DPs! I tried them myself for the first time and while not easy, they are doable. But all the math and scrappiness and resourcefulness of yours – well, I bow to you!

    1. Thank you! I don’t feat them now that I’ve learned the trick! It just took trial and error to figure out how to cut my own using my long arm circle rulers! > >

  5. I’m a little behind on all the Round One posts, so I’m popping in with a late reply. I like what you’ve done for your border! (I didn’t even notice the coping strip/curved piece thing until you mentioned it.) Will be fun to see what you’ve cooked up for Round 2!

Cat got your tongue?

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