Wednesday Offerings

The only item to see any knitting this weekend was Connor’s Redo (3rd blanket, 2nd of the same style and color since he lost the other). I told myself I would knit up 2 skeins and then start the decrease on one side and leave the other as normal. That way instead of a square I would have a rectangle. Last night I reached that point. And then maybe it was too late to try to wrap my brain around the best way to proceed next.

I knew that turning the corner would then demand I needed to follow the decrease directions for the left side of the blanket. But what to do on the right side where I was not decreasing. In my head I knew that I just kept going as normal, increasing the right edge. But I then tried to confuse myself and told myself I needed to also decrease at the right edge too. But I knew I needed to always have 183 sts to make it stay even. It was too late for math. I finally talked out loud to myself counting the increases/decreases as if I was knitting across the row. And confirmed I kept doing the increases as for the right edge and then the decreases as for the left edge. Whew! It shouldn’t have even been a thing, but I sure was trying to make it a thing.


You can see the left corner there in the photo. I hate the way you have to turn the corner, but it really does work. It just involves short rows on top of short rows. They have the wrap and turn method listed, but I used German Short Rows. It got a little dicey trying to keep them from being sloppy, but I figure blocking will even it out. This is the 3rd time I have made this blanket, and so far the 1st time I haven’t had to do any major ripping back to fix a mistake. Oh, I’m making them, but catching them quickly. Now I need to knock on wood so I don’t start making mistakes and not catching them in time.

But before that I need to take some time away from knitting. My shoulders and hands are over stressed and with all the knitting, computer use, and now sewing on heavy draperies, I have given my body too much load. I need to change my knitting “stance” to be more ergo and take more time outs. And maybe a regimen of anti-inflamation meds and a husbandly back and should massage would help. Now to convince Hubster of that.

What’s on your needles today? Catch the scoops below!

Life and Yarn
Yarn Along

4 thoughts on “Wednesday Offerings

  1. That’s love 3x for Connor. hehe. I’m glad you are listening to your body. Take care and rest and you’ll be able to keep crafting and taking such good care of everyone else as you do. By the way, I love that bag. Gimme ! 😉

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