April Sucks!!! Big Time! Saturday Stash #16 & #17

My April numbers are dismal for knitting. But fairly good for sewing! Too bad this isn’t a sewing blog, nor is it likely to become one!

So the truth is, I’ve been VERY good at not buying yarn. I’ve been very bad at knitting what I have. 😢

Nothing knit, nothing finished, nothing started, nothing bought! But I do have matching Roman shades in my bedroom now!

Just waiting for the valances, which means I need to find the pattern that got packed during our move!

My future sewing/craft/TV/computer room

The awesome Mason Jar pendants from Lowes the Hubster put up!! Our dining room light is the same style, but 16 lights. (and still in the box, but who’s irked about that?) (just like the ceiling fan for MY beddoom, in the box, but the 4 other fans are up and working! But who’s irked about that?)

And now back to sewing, stapling, stringing cord, and screwing things into a board. I am becoming a regular handy woman!

9 thoughts on “April Sucks!!! Big Time! Saturday Stash #16 & #17

  1. Progress is progress no matter the craft! You didn’t buy any yarn so that is an accomplishment as well. You have had a busy time of it so it is allowed, don’t beat yourself up. HUGS! BTW your shades are beautiful!

    1. Thanks. I am usually hard on myself when I am not keeping up with my knitting. At least right now I don’t have any pressing gifts, so it’s easy to slack off on my own knitting.

  2. I don’t think you’re allowed to complain about knitting;) You’re doing a lot right now with the new home and all that sewing counts for your craftiness. hehe. The yarn will be there. Wishing you the best. It’s all coming together!

Cat got your tongue?

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