Friday FOes, but not Enemies

Actually this is just to show that Fanny the Fancy Flamingo is Finally Finished! As in, she is no longer prone on the cutting table. LOL. I was worried about wrapping her on the stretcher bars because of her scant fabric length, bu while trying to fall asleep Wednesday night it came to me, “Chris, just add strips to the edges, they will be on the back and no one will know.” Well, duh! So I did.

I plan to tack the edges down with hand stitching,
those gaps  on the corners bother me,
even if they are on the backside!

I am still amazed that I made this, considering I was clueless when class started and wasn’t sure I could get through it. But now, here it is, finished and so much fun!

Also finished is the hat I was making for my niece before I realized the colors were not what I was going for. So it will go to a charity my friend sends to across the world. So glad to know my mistake can bring warmth to a child!

I plan to cast on for my niece’s hat using the colors below. But first I need to determine where the colors will go. Do I use the blue as before with the light gray taking the place of the dark gray, or use the light gray where the blue is and the blue where the dark gray is? Well, why not use my Numbers program to see which I prefer?

What do you think?

This morning we are off to a Dr appt for my Mom, hoping we get the last puzzle piece taken care of and she can start being a little more normal. And then gather dogs and people and make the trek back south for a weekend of family and fun. Birthdays to celebrate and a solo for my sister at our previous church. She demanded I sing on her birthday. So I will sing. The nerves will set in about 30 minutes before I perform, but what can you do. I don’t think I ever stop getting nervous, even after 40 years of singing.

Linking with:
Whoop Whoop
From Bolt to Beauty
Friday Foto
Peacock Party
UFO Busting

40 thoughts on “Friday FOes, but not Enemies

  1. I love going on a course and learning a new skill. I may not be very good at it – the original ‘Jill of all trades and mistress of none’ me – but it is fun to learn, rewarding when I make something I didn’t think I could, and often I meet someone interesting to talk to. Your flamingo is lovely. Hope you get answers for your Mum and have a great weekend.

  2. Cute flamingo, I love that you stretched it onto the bars. Is that a framed canvass like you get at Michaels?

  3. Oh, I like the blue background with the other colors as accents! You sing in public–amazing and wonderful! What a gift to your sister. Nice job on the mounting for the flamingo–genius and duh on the added strips, right?! lol

  4. Love the flamingo! And hello fellow singer – I am going to audition for the work talent show. If accepted, it will be the first time I have sung solo for an audience (bar karaoke doesn’t count).

  5. A wonderful finish and a great solution to the problem – wouldn’t have occurred to me ever! The hat is lovely, and for the new project, I like either one of them, about the same. The blue might lift someone’s spirits, but the gray might calm the storm, so I think it doesn’t really matter. They are both great combinations.

  6. Have a great weekend! Your flamingo is adorable – such a beautiful project! I also love the hat. Of your two options, I like the gray one best with the blue and white for the pattern – though they are both lovely options!

    1. > Thanks! So far it’s been great, still have the nervous part tomorrow, but I pray God will get me through it!! Just found out more people are going to be there, besides all the church goers, so now I am more nervous!!! >

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