UFO Busting!

So, another Saturday, another UFO not being busted. But there’s plenty of new projects being created, so I consider this a Pre-UFO Busting post!! LOL Hey, it could happen, and does quite frequently around here. Those *%&$# Squirrels! 

But today’s Squirrel is actually a planned one. I forgot that a baby shower is rapidly approaching, so I have to get on it! I needed a baby boy quilt for my cousin’s 5th grand baby, but this one is the first for this daughter, so extra special! Of course, all the others are equally special! 

I picked up some lovely Grunge at Quilts Plus to coordinate with this print I had my eye on for awhile. Love the colors in this Northcott print.

I had a pattern in mind for this piece, and even worked up a project in EQ8, but it didn’t appeal to me. So I kept ignoring it, until I realized, the shower is Sept 12th!!! I need to get cracking. So I promptly set about auditioning other patterns and not actually making anything. LOL! Here’s some that were considered. 

But with both the issue came down to yardage, I just didn’t have the right amounts, and it didn’t help that my fabric shots read very dull in comparison to real life. 

And then I remembered a pattern I have been wanting to do for some time. Why not just do it with this palette! So I searched for a pattern and found this video. I give you, Drops Of Jupiter. 

Wish I had found a teal that was more of a contrast to the navy. Oh well, baby won’t mind. Thankfully I had enough yardage to pull this one off. 

This went together so quickly! I think I spent more time cutting it out, trying to maneuver with the 1/4″ yards I had to get the most usable leftovers. Started late afternoon, sewed late night and I had the top complete, then with a quick morning session, the back and batting were pieced!! 

Now, how am I going to “Quilt As Desired”? This is for baby, so I don’t want it too dense, but I am absolutely doing curved crosshatch in those setting triangles!!! The rest will have to come to me. 

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UFO Busting

22 thoughts on “UFO Busting!

  1. Oh, been there, done that with the rabbit hole of EQ8 design! But the design you ended up with looks perfect in your patterned polka dot print. I am so envious of quilters like you who can pull a baby quilt together in less than two years while I agonize every step of the way. As if anyone will actually be looking at my quilt anyway, with an adorable BABY nearby to look at instead! :-). Looking forward to seeing how you’ll quilt this one!

  2. Very cute baby quilt and the colors are wonderful. The one i just finished using the same block doesn’t have borders. But I really like your borders.

  3. WOWEE, Chris! You had me getting anxious for you but you pulled this quilt out of the rabbit hole. You’ll easily have this quilted and bound for Saturday. This came together so quickly! And this is a pattern I’ve got on my list to make sooner than later. ~smile~ Roseanne

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