Weekly Report

In: + .16
Out: -1.29
Destash: 0
Net: -1.13
YTD: +40.12

In: I didn’t bring in much in the way of yardage, but I did spend quite a bit! Nancy Roelfsema came to speak to my guild, so I had to pick up some stuff from her, and then go and buy the 2 rulers she recommended. The Add an 1/8” ruler has a beveled edge to use when folding the paper foundation on the seeing lines.

Out: 3 more blocks ready to piece for my friend’ cancer quilt. I finished the 2 New York Beauty blocks I started in class. Now to decide if I repeat these 2 blocks in other fabrics like the pattern, or use her other pattern with tons more options to make 2 unique blocks for my 4 block wall hanging.

Last Week’s List:

  1. Quilt for friend /
  2. Guild √
  3. New York Beauty Class √
  4. Surgery √

Bonus List

  1. Concert √

Surgery went well. I now have a screw in my foot. Not sure if it will come out in the future, need to ask that at my Monday follow up. It’s bruised, and swollen, and angry, but that’s to be expected. At least I have been up since Friday morning and sewing in my dining area. And going to concerts! 🤣🤣 The Dr said I could!

This Week’s List:

  1. L’s Star of Hope
  2. New York Beauty
  3. Quilt Therapy
  4. More Concerts

Link Ups
Sunday: QPA QPC Oh Scrap
Monday: Melva Design Wall
Tuesday: Quilt Schmilt

22 thoughts on “Weekly Report

  1. Oh my gosh you’ve been going to concerts? 😀 I’m glad you aren’t lying around drugged out with pain meds, although you’d be entitled. Hoping your foot heals really fast!

    1. Thanks Frédérique! After getting some perks due to my temp disability my husband said he’s using the crutches and boot for all the concerts! 🤣

      Keeping you in Stitches! Chris

  2. Your NY Beauty blocks are great! I’ve never tried making those, but four would be about my limit, lol! A wall-hanging is a great idea. Glad the surgery went well and hope the pain and swelling are gone soon.

    1. This block would actually be a great hand stitching block. So much more control by hand. Thanks! Dr follow up in a few hours.

      Keeping you in Stitches! Chris

  3. I’m glad your surgery went well, and that you are able to do so much already. Good for you!! Those NYB blocks are beautiful.

Cat got your tongue?

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