Friday FO/NO

Another knitting FO/NO this week, Afghan Square #19, just halfway done. 1 more block after this and seaming will begin! I am well on my way to get this done in time for his August Birthday…..2 years later than planned. LOL!

Squares #17, #18, #19 half done

This is the Mystery BOM for April

The photo on left shows 3 original and 3 new blocks. The photo on right has sore thumbs I replaced. Can you see them? I made another blue sore thumb and will make a mini quilt of the 4 thumbs. No clue on the layout for the mystery, I just laid them out for viewing. I  hope there is sashing or setting squares involved, they look too jumbled without. I love the directions of the stripe on that blue thumb lower left!! And you know how OCD I am about directional orientation in my fabrics. LOL

Not sure, sewn together inward or outward?
Or, with sashings or setting squares?

My only true FOs for the week,
Sanitary Pads for charity

I was sewing for charity on Wednesday, which happens at a quilt shop, so of course I brought home some fabric. As I was driving to AIS I was thinking about the FQ’s I’d purchased at a quilt show. I wondered if the vendor still had any of the floral print. Low and behold, AIS had it in their clearance section!! And I always hit their Orphan bin, where you can get pieces as large as 12″xWOF for $2.00. Found a orangey piece that might go in my Fox and Geese.

FQs bought in March, Yardage bought in April,
they really are a match.

So, how’s your Friday going?

Linking with:
Whoop Whoop
From Bolt to Beauty
Friday Foto
Peacock Party
Busy Hands
Sew She Can
UFO Busting

Thank you to all who wrote notes yesterday. I usually try to be strong, positive, and not give in to low feelings, but panic attacks are hard to control. Which is what I don’t like, not being in control.

16 thoughts on “Friday FO/NO

    1. Thanks! I have to laugh, since we both change up the increases/decreases in our knits and no one would even notice. I guess it’s that vision in our heads that says it doesn’t look right. > >

  1. Were you really up at 3:00 am posting this? No wonder you get so much done! My Friday will hopefully include a delivery from Superior Threads so I can quilt my challenge project. I was practicing free motion patterns last night amd I feel ready to do a flower swirl.
    Have a great day.

    1. I was up until 2:00 am, but this post was scheduled to go live this morning while I slept. I didn’t get up until 8:00 am, since I didn’t get to sleep until 2:00! When you don’t work, and avoid cleaning, you have a lot of time to get stuff done. I am just the dog sitter, cook, and laundry maid! LOL > >

  2. You have some great projects happening here! I’m looking forward to seeing your knitted blocks all sewn together. Have a good weekend.

      1. And you take fantastic trips all over!! Yay, can’t wait to see your project at the reveal. I better get going on my challenge. LOL > >

  3. Hi Chris! You got some good pieces at AIS – I love that idea of 12″ x WOF for $2. I’d come home with new pieces all the time. I LOVE that striped fabric in the new block – it looks cool. ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. The pieces are in an old bassinet, so it’s fun to dig through. They also have scraps for .10 cents a piece that can be long strips or fat chunks. So much fun! > >

  4. Good progress in a rather sucky week of not feeling right with the world. Fun fabric finds (say that quickly three times). Have a wonderful weekend.

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