Stash Reports Week #2

Knitting Stats
Last Week: 55,490 yards/290 skeins
Knitted: 201 yards/2 skein
Purchased: 0 yards/0 skein
Ending Stash: 55,289 yards/288 skeins
Spending YTD: $22.44

In: Nothing!


Out: Gramps in bulky, reveal on Monday!

Sewing Stats
Fabric In: +6.97 yards
Fabric Out: -2.33 yards
Net Fabric: +4.67 yards
Fabric YTD: +4.67 yards
Spending YTD: $9.74

In: Orphans and yardage from Always in Stitches, I spent half my gift card, so no cost to me!!! And then a block kit, pattern, and yardage from Quilts Plus, with mostly Hubster’s money, so cheap for me! LOL


Out: Freyja piecing clues 7 and 8, first table topper pieced!!, and the Second Saturday BOM for Quilts Plus.

7/7 Week
11/11 YTD

January Goals

  1. 1st table topper for the wedding
  2. 2nd table topper for the wedding
  3. 3rd table topper for the wedding
  4. Mudsocks Guild BOM
  5. Finish Eurasian Cowl
  6. Quilt Granny Peacock
  7. 2020 UFO project #1 Freyja
  8. Extra: Toddler Sweater
  9. Warm Woolen Mittens
  10. Little Dresses for Africa
  11. Quilts Plus BOM

Linking with:
Oh Scrap 
Sunday Stash
15 Minutes

11 thoughts on “Stash Reports Week #2

  1. You are moving along with your goals for January. You’ve done well on fitting in stitching time this month. Maybe the two are connected? Happy stitching this week!

Cat got your tongue?

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