Stash Reports Week #4

Oops! Posted a day early! Actually, right now I am at the hospital with my MIL. She suffered a miss-matched heart attack and has pneumonia, please send prayers her way.
Tomorrow will be “I am currently in a car, driving my parents to Florida. Please pray for safety and no traffic. I am coming to hate this trip!! 12+ hours of driving and then add on for stops. I think we need to restrict them to air travel from now on, but they aren’t too savvy or quick when it comes to airports and connecting flights. Maybe we just need to fly with them? This is coming from a person who hates to fly! OK, I mean, I hate being in a plane with no road beneath me. I much prefer the quickness of flying, the faith it takes to put myself on a plane is the issue. LOL

Knitting Stats
Last Week: 55,461 yards/290 skeins
Knitted: 169 yards/1 skeins
Purchased: 0 yards/0 skeins
Ending Stash: 55,292 yards/289 skeins
Spending YTD: $42.46

In: Nothing

Out: Lille Mille knitting is done, buttons need to be added, reveal next Friday.

Sewing Stats
Fabric In: +5 yards
Fabric Out: -.66 yards
Net Fabric: +4.44 yards
Fabric YTD: +14.14 yards
Spending YTD: $81.62

In: I orderED 3 yards of this print to use as a possible border or backing for Freyja. I wanted something with all the colors and boy does this one hit all the right notes. Fingers crossed it works! Picked up some remnants, a home dec and a quilt cotton, plus a ruler and a small seam ripper.

Still hate that my light blue and aqua are too close when viewed from a distance.
1 table topper quilted and waiting for binding!

Out: Freyja piecing and Wedding Topper backings and bindings

6/7 Week
22/25 YTD

January Goals

  1. 1st table topper for the wedding
  2. 2nd table topper for the wedding
  3. 3rd table topper for the wedding
  4. Mudsocks Guild BOM
  5. Finish Eurasian Cowl
  6. Quilt Granny Peacock
  7. 2020 UFO project #1 Freyja
  8. Extra: Toddler Sweater
  9. Warm Woolen Mittens
  10. Little Dresses for Africa
  11. Quilts Plus BOM
  12. Extra: Baby sweater Lille Mille

Linking with:
Oh Scrap 
Sunday Stash
15 Minutes

30 thoughts on “Stash Reports Week #4

  1. For your Frolic the quilt still looks beautiful. And the viewer will get a treat when looking closer at the quilt. I like to reward my quilt viewers for looking closer when I can.

  2. Hi Chris! Are you doing all of the driving? That’s a long drive. Yay, it’s a dilemma whether to drive or fly or fly with them. And then there’s the whole connecting flights issue – yeah. I’ve been there and I ended up going with just for safety’s sake. Great job getting one topper all quilted. ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. Yes, I am the “limo” driver! I just want to get there and get it over with, so all in one day. Thanks, I was trying to get all three done, but the MIL situation has preempted sewing. At least I had knitting for all the hospital time. > >

  3. Prayers for your MIL to heal up quickly and well, and also for a safe drive for you tomorrow! Your projects are beautiful as always – I’m impressed with how much you are getting done with all you have to do!

  4. Great projects!
    I don’t like to fly because it hurts my ears rather than fear, despite my first time ever flying we “control crashed” in a field because we hit head winds and ran out of gas. Pilot was fantastic though. He set that 747 down in that field just as smoothly as if he’d had pavement under his wheels.

  5. So sorry about your MIL, Chris – hope she is doing better. Also hope you’re having a smooth driving day. Our still- traveling but elderly parents are a concern, aren’t they? My mom and step-dad finally just decided to live in their AZ home year round a few years ago so that twice yearly long drive didn’t have to happen anymore. That border fabric looks perfect for Freyja!

  6. Sorry to hear about your MIL – thank goodness you had knitting to fill the time. Hospitals always seem to involve a lot of hanging around! A family so spread apart doesn’t help either. The colours you are using for all your projects are lovely.

  7. Hope your MIL is improving and that your road trip wasn’t as bad as you anticipated. Great metrics last week. Hope this week’s aren’t too bad with all the travel time on your plate.

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