Friday Link Parties!!

Hard to believe, but I have another finish to show this week! Back in October of 2018 I wanted to make a quilt using a patten from Simple Whatnots by Kim Diehl. I saw the Anthem project at our State Fair that summer and was so happy to find the pattern in the book. I kept trying to pull fabric to make it, but nothing was working for me. Between trying to buy pieces separate from each other and peruse my stash, I wasn’t happy with my options. And then one day at Always In Stitches I moseyed to the clearance section and found all of the fabrics I needed!!

I finally started the cutting and piecing in November and Anthem slowly saw construction.

Before I knew it I had the top made. And like all the other tops I make, it took up residence in my closet. Hanging out with the other tops that were pieced and forgotten. Until I set it as a UFO goal to be quilted in 2019.

And so this week, after it had sat sandwiched and undone for too long, I quilted it! Just straight line quilting with my walking foot. A terribly uneven crosshatch pattern in the border and in the ditch around and in the blocks. I’m not going for perfect, I am going for done! But the take away from this project is, just do the hard work before hand and Hera mark your crosshatch grid!!! I tried using a FMQ ruler but my hand guiding isn’t the best. But I was able to work on that skill while messing up! There was a lot of ripping out on this piece.



I was able to hang some more projects on my sewing room wall. I am very haphazard about my arrangements. Considering I was standing on my cutting table to get this up, I think I did an OK job. LOL!

Linking with
Peacock Party
The Crafty Quilter
Whoop Whoop
Busy Hands
Silly Mama
From Bolt to Beauty
Sew She Can
UFO Busting

25 thoughts on “Friday Link Parties!!

  1. Hi Chris! Ooh, I think your crosshatch looks fabulous. I always love that quilting pattern, and using the walking foot is certainly the best choice for it. I just use a piece of masking tape for the first line, and then the guide of the walking foot for the rest of the lines in the same direction. Repeat for the crosshatching. I’m not big into marking, though. ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. Thanks, but it’s easy when they are small!! Now wait until you see how long it takes me to do a large quilt. Wait, I have never even finished a large quilt!! LOL > >

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