Stash Reports Week #15

Knitting Stats
Last Week: 54,232 yards/287 skeins
Knitted: 106 yards/0 skein
Purchased: 0 yards/0 skein
Destashed: 0 yards/0 skeins
Ending Stash: 54,126 yards/287 skeins
Spending YTD: $204.32

Sewing Stats
Fabric In: 6.75 yards
Fabric Out: 4.83 yards
Net Fabric: +1.92 yards
Fabric YTD: +32.64 yards
Spending YTD: $575.26


In: Desert Island Bundle from Modern Quilt Studio, two 1/2 yards from my quilting friend, who is getting a cowl or hat in return. I told her how much I loved the bottom piece and she gave it to me plus the coordinate! Two 1 yard pieces from the Shop Hop I went to, purchased from Scarlet Thread. And a new sleigh bed for our bonus room! Which meant new bedding! Rue d’ Osage bed runner is at the end. I forgot to take the matching pillow up there to put on the bed.

Out: Backing for a charity quilt, destashed some jelly roll leftovers, pieces for bags I am doing for the Guild Challenge*, pieces cut for Raspberry Swirl. Cast on Kindling Season #2 and knit on Maenporth.

FOs: Kidney Bean, quilted and washed!

7/7 for week
102/103 YTD

  1. UFO: Quilt Pineapple Punch
  2. Knitting: Baby Sweater Kindling Season Cast on
  3. Sewing: Plan/Piece Raspberry Swirl
  4. 12 Hats: Midnattsol
  5. 12 Cowls: Maenporth March project, 75%done/Willow April project
  6. Mystery BOM: April
  7. Guild BOM: May
  8. February Knitting: Afghan Block #19 almost done
  9. April OMG: Piece Fox and Goose
  10. Charity: Sanitary Pad sewn and snaps added
  11. Squirrels: You gotta have a Squirrel!
  12. DrEAMi: Allow dreams to wander
  13. H2H Charity: Top and Back  Need to quilt
  14. Quilt Kidney Bean

Linking with:
Oh Scrap
Sunday Stash
15 Minutes

* Guild Challenge: I took 4 Fat Quarters in a bag to a meeting, I received 4 Fat Quarters belonging to someone else. I will make something for that person and return it to our May meeting. Then I will get an item from whoever had my bag of FQs.

16 thoughts on “Stash Reports Week #15

    1. They are colors to choose for backgrounds. The designers created the grouping for people to use to audition colors for their quilts. They really are the perfect backgrounds, especially for modern feel. > >

  1. You got some great additions to your stash! You’ve had a great year on the stitching front too. Hope this next week is better on the stash busting front.

    1. LOL, it took me all of 20 minutes to walk into Home Goods and find it! I actually had a thin quilted spread in my hands, a brighter blue, but decided to go with this set instead. It looks so clean and comfy! > >

  2. Hi Chris! Your bed runner looks so nice on your new sleigh bed. That fabric from your friend just looks like you – I wonder what you’re going to make with it. ~smile~ Roseanne

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