To-Do Tuesday

Let’s Party!

Last Week:

  1. Quilt Millbank, hereby dubbed Vacation Delayed √
  2. Help care for my Dad in rehab √
  3. Guild BOM X
  4. Extra: Quilting on Let Freedom Ring /
  5. Extra: Pieced Baby EC’s Month Mat /
  6. Extra: Finished Baby Beanie √
  7. Extra: Started Baby EC’s Dress /

Vacation Delayed was finished!! I got to the hometown to stay with my Dad to relive mom for a few days. Didn’t get to the BOM, ended up starting other things. Extras: Started quilting on LFR!!!! Got EC’s month mat pieced, quilting will happen later, finished the latest cabled beanie, and then cast on EC’s dress.

This Week:

  1. More quilting on Let Freedom Ring
  2. Piece Baby EC’s top
  3. Finish prepping an appliqué top
  4. Finish EC’s knit dress

Now, what’s on your plate? Show those lists!!! 

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26 thoughts on “To-Do Tuesday

  1. I really like the panel quilt–the blocks you used to frame it are just right and very modern! I hope your Dad is making progress–it’s gotta be hard on everyone!

    1. Thanks! I did the same panel for a friend, but with out the blocks around it. Dad is now getting treatment for Parkinson’s, even though we don’t know for sure he is stricken with it. But he does have some of the symptoms. > >

  2. That baby mat is adorable! Gosh your quilting is so, so pretty. I hope to get to that point! I see in the above comment your Dad is getting treatment for Parkinson’s. I assume this is meds and hope he is adjusting well. Thinking of him and you and your family – big hugs.

    1. Thank you Linda. We are not sure if the meds are causing the issues or the possible disease. He is worse when on the meds. Hopefully they will figure it out. > >

  3. Pingback: A New Backing
  4. I love how Vacation Delayed looks on the table – perfect! And quilting on LFR is amazing, too. I sure hope your dad improves. It’s so hard to have our elderly parents in these situations, and not be able to do much for them. At least you can be there for him!

    1. Thanks Diann, I love VD!! And I am sure I will love LFR even more. It’s hard when you live 3 hours away, so you can’t run back and forth every time something happens. But I have spent more time there than home so far this month, and headed back tomorrow. Until he’s more stable and at home it needs to be done. > >

  5. I just love how you manage to pop out all that knitting along with quilting! Maybe if I stopped gardening I could be you… no, I probs still couldn’t get it all done!

    1. > That’s my secret, I don’t do outside work! And not much inside either! I clean when it gets so bad I can’t stand it, or company is coming. LOL. > >

  6. Congrats on finishing up Vacation Delayed, Chris! What’s that one photo of the gorgeous quilted feather wreath? Is that a sneak peak of your Vacation Delayed? I’m glad you got to spend some time with your parents last week, too. I’m sure they both appreciated having you there.

    1. That is my Let Freedom Ring wallhanging. It’s about 48” square. The wreath is a panto from Urban Elementz, the first time I have tried a wreath shape. I love it!! Now I am changing up the size on my printer so I can fit the wreath in other sized blocks for future use. > >

  7. Wow! You have a lot on your plate! Kudos to you for getting so much of your to do Tuesday list finished! Prayers up for your family, especially your daddy. Hugs to all of you.

  8. Hi Chris! Your quilting looks beautiful – you do such a nice job. Prayers for Dad were said this morning and Diva/baby girl, too. I just adore the runner you have pictured with your girls in the frames. It looks so perfect there and the gray really highlights the fabrics so well. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. Aw, thanks Roseanne! I really do like stretching the quilting skills, but rarely show all the rip outs! LOL. Thanks for the prayers, we are headed back to help Mom with Dad and to spend time with some friends over the next few days. > >

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