Stash Reports Week #38

Knitting Stats
Last Week: 55,980 yards/292 skeins
Knitted: 241 yards/2 skeins
Purchased: 1191 yards/6 skein
Destashed: 0 yards/0 skeins
Ending Stash: 56,167 yards/291 skeins (I found a 763 yard/5 skein discrepancy, so I have less on hand than I thought! Yay)
Spending YTD: $544.82

In: Technically I didn’t buy anything, I received 5 skeins from my sister. OK, so I did pay for a skein to be sent to my test knitter, but alas the beauty does not come to me. And just maybe I did order something from Forbidden, but Hubster paid for it, and it ain’t here yet! OK, so maybe I did buy a skein for a hat, I needed a washable bright blue.


Out: Showl knitting, it’s done!!! And not much yarn was left. And I started clogs for Diva

Sewing Stats
Fabric In: +4.00 yards
Fabric Out: -2.31 yards
Net Fabric: +1.69 yards
Fabric YTD: +83.29 yards
Spending YTD: $1833.80

In: Fabric for a commission, bags and more bags. I swear I am not trying to break 100 more yards in than out!! LOL

Out: Backing/binding fabric for Snowflake, it’s being quilted and will soon be done, and scraps for quilting practice

FOs: Shoudler Showl!!! I love it, it will be hard to give it up to Diva. But I have another showl idea percolating, this time with a lace border along the bottom.

7/7 Week
253/264 YTD

This guy needed extra cuddles Saturday morning

September Goals:

  1. UFO/OMG-Quilt Snowflake top √ 
  2. Knitting: Felted Clogs-half done
  3. Sewing: Grapevine Top-started
  4. Hat: Chemo Cap Pumpkin Pie-cast on, ribbing done
  5. Hat: Winter’s Fern Mini Me
  6. Showl for Diva Girl √ 
  7. Mystery BOM: Flower Shoo Fly √ 
  8. Mystery BOM: X Block √ 
  9. Guild BOM: September √ 
  10. Guild BOM: October
  11. Squirrel: Autumn Leaves for my niece-fabric pulled
  12. Charity: Little Shorts √ 
  13. DrEAMI: Clam Shell Pouch √ 
  14. Current Cowl for my sister
  15. Write showl pattern-rough draft!!! √ 
  16. Finish my tote bag √ 

Linking with:
Oh Scrap
Sunday Stash
15 Minutes

23 thoughts on “Stash Reports Week #38

  1. Great metrics! Congrats on making your 7/7 days of stitching time this week. Stash management is just hard for those of us who really like fabric. At least you have some going out this week.

    1. It’s a mental thing on making 7, somedays I just want to slack off, but then I think of the goal and I do something. The stash, oh well, it won’t go to waist OR waste! 🤣


  2. Oooh, 96% sewing days! No wonder you are getting something done each week. That’s a great discrepancy to find – at least two skeins!

    1. For some reason I had deducted the skein count, but not the yardage. Oh well, it’s still a neck and neck race with the in/out totals, I am only down 20 yards for the year! 😂😂


  3. Hey, if the fabric or yarn hasn’t arrived it doesn’t need to be counted. And, if you send a skein to a tester doesn’t that count as OUT? You are brave to keep tabs of the costs. Me, not so much costs as amounts. I’ve been successful in not buying yarns this year. On the other hand I’m not getting much knitting done and finished either. Sigh. Maybe new hats for the grands this year.

Cat got your tongue?

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