Stash Reports Week #14

Knitting Stats
Last Week: 54,626 yards/286 skeins
Knitted: 0 yards/0 skeins
Purchased: 0 yards/0 skeins
Ending Stash: 54,626 yards/286 skeins
Spending YTD: $42.46

In: Nothing

Out: Nothing

Sewing Stats
Fabric In: +0 yards
Fabric Out: -2.01 yards
Net Fabric: -2.01 yards
Fabric YTD: +18.71 yards
Spending YTD: $569.92

In: Nothing!!! That’s about the only good thing coming from this enforced stay at home order. No fabric buying.

Out: New Album Wedding Topper flimsy, Willow QAL blocks, quilting on baby quilt.

I’ve slacked on the Laundry Basket QAL aka Cooped Up. I was waiting to see the final reveal to decide how to divide my remaining fabric. I wish I had a darker blue in the range of my others, but I don’t, so I will accommodate as needed. Also, which background to use was better left to an overall picture of the final product. I have a plan and it is between these options.

Click on each to enlarge

  1. My version with the floral as the large star points
  2. My version with the floral not as the large star points
  3. Her version with the floral not as the large star points
  4. Her version with the floral as the large star points

FO’s: Happy Holidays!!! March UFO Challenge finished with hours to spare on March 31st.

Living life: Sat on the patio Friday night listening to Hubster play some music, by the fire.

6/7 Week
86/95 YTD

I lost a day to dog delivery. BioGirl and I drove 2 cars to drop off my sister’s dogs and her car at my parent’s house. We visited from 6 feet away. LOL! But it was OK, I needed a break from the sewing. And then I turned around the next day and quilted a small wallhanging and bound it in the span of 7 hours.

April Goals

  1. Wedding Topper: New Album /
  2. Wedding Topper: 4 Patch
  3. Wedding Topper: Tilted Log Cabin
  4. Wedding Topper: Duck and Ducklings
  5. Mudsocks Guild BOM-March
  6. Mudsocks Guild BOM-April
  7. Knitting-Expeditious Shawl-FINISH IT!
  8. UFO Challenge #4
  9. Charity Challenge
  10. Quilt Granny Peacock
  11. Moda Blockheads
  12. Quilts Plus BOM
  13. Laundry Basket QAL
  14. Corona Round Robin
  15. Willow QAL
  16. Quilt baby quilt /
  17. Squirrels

√ Done / In Progress X Not Done

Linking with
Oh Scrap
Sunday Stash
15 Minutes

*Normal spending for the 2 of us is $450 a month on all dining/food/household goods

21 thoughts on “Stash Reports Week #14

  1. glad you got to see your family even if at the safety of 6 feet. I had started that mystery and then got side tracked by masks and other things, I saved the pattern but don’t know if I will ever make it, I had the first two parts made but now don’t know if I liked the colors – I might just toss them I have so many others to finished I really didn’t need more ideas

  2. Yeah for nothing in on the fabric front and yeah for all the quilty progress! Sometimes you have to mix it up, so 6 out of 7 days of stitching time is probably a good thing. Hope all your family is well and wishing you more progress in April.

  3. Your Willow Quilt Along blocks are so lovely. You know, your Friday night sounded quite romantic. How nice! Thank you for sharing at Paint, Quilt, Create!

    1. Thank you, I am loving the Willow blocks!! And our Friday night was perfect, except for the smoke following “beauty” and making me cough! LOL > >

  4. Glad you got to see your family, even if you had to maintain a distance for right now 🙂 You are getting just an amazing amount of quilting done, and it all looks wonderful!

    1. Thanks! Today’s output stalled so I could make more face masks for family and friends. But I will be back at it tomorrow. I don’t have anything else to do! > >

  5. I like your change to the block arrangement of Edyta’s mystery. If you want an opinion, my favourite is your first option with the floral as the large star points. But I’m sure any of the options will look great when it is done!

  6. Great job on making so much progress through the month of March. Yes! This shelter in place has helped lower the stash enhancements everyone is making I believe, unless you are an avid online shopper…I hope April was just as productive for you!

Cat got your tongue?

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