Stash Reports Week #20

Knitting Stats
Last Week: 54,770 yards/289 skeins
Knitted: 0 yards/0 skeins
Purchased: 0 yards/0 skeins
Destashed: 0 yards/0 skeins
Ending Stash: 54,770 yards/289 skeins
Spending YTD: $231.07

Sewing Stats
Fabric In: 0 yards
Fabric Out: -1.05  yards
Net Fabric: -1.05 yards
Fabric YTD: +28.65 yards
Spending YTD: $711.29

In: Nothing!

Out: BOM for both the Mystery and the Guild, 3 more blocks for Fox and Geese, binding on a charity quilt!!

FOs: Labels for 4 projects!! Mine aren’t as lovely as Kate’s, but I am learning. A finished charity quilt for Jack’s Basket(reveal on Monday)!!

5/7 Week
133/138 YTD

Missed sewing 2 days this week. Sunday was Mother’s Day and I just didn’t even try. Monday was Guild and I tried chasing the sun once I got home. Oh well, still a good average, 96%.

April’s Goals

  1. UFO: Quilt Pineapple Punch:
  2. Knitting: Baby Sweater Kindling Season
  3. Sewing: Piece Titch-May OMG
  4. 12 Hats: Midnattsol
  5. 12 Cowls: Willow-for a gift
  6. Mystery BOM: May 
  7. Guild BOM: June 
  8. February Knitting: Afghan Block-I just need 1 more block!!!
  9. Charity: Quilt bound  Top to Quilt-Quitled and bound!
  10. Squirrels: You gotta have a Squirrel!
  11. DrEAMi: Allow dreams to wander
  12. Sew some pouches from home dec leftovers
  13. Finish Guild Challenge!!!

Linking with:
Oh Scrap
Sunday Stash
15 Minutes

17 thoughts on “Stash Reports Week #20

  1. Very fun labels. I love the social butterfly prairie dog! Some weeks you just can’t manage 7 days, but you still had a great week with solid stitching metrics. Hope this week is even better.

    1. Usually I did nothing at all! Kate at In Pieces pulled me into the printed label rabbit hole, she is a MASTER! Hers are way beyond anything I can do. Must be more like Kate! > >

  2. Your labels and blocks are lovely! Were your labels done in the hoop? Very nice! Your stats are wonderful! Thank you for sharing!

    1. The labels were printed on special fabric, so easy, I just need to make sure they don’t fade, which I should have determined before sewing them on! > >

  3. Hi Chris! Eek – I forgot all about labels for the charity quilts. Darn it. They went in the mail Saturday so it is way too late. Ah well, next time. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. I got off track when so much was going on. I will have to go back through the blog and add up what I used! You’ve done a good job this week, getting a whole yard+ out!

Cat got your tongue?

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