Stash Reports Week #52 End of Year

This week’s Stash Report was held until Dec 31st so I could end out the year with my report instead of having 2 days left in 2019.

Knitting Stats
Last Week: 55,757 yards/290 skeins
Knitted: 369 yards/2 skein
Purchased: 0  yards/0 skein
Destashed: 0 yards/0 skeins
Ending Stash: 55,388 yards/288 skeins
Spending YTD: $576.79

In: I ended the year not buying any more yarn since October 4th!!

Out: Last minute 2019 hats!

Sewing Stats
Fabric In: 0 yards
Fabric Out: -1.62 yards
Net Fabric: -1.62 yards
Fabric YTD: +124.55 yards
Spending YTD: $2333.30

In: None, yay!!! But I already have gift cards to buy fabric, so watch out world!!


Out: Freyja piecing, Happy Holiday making, cross-stitch finishing, and an iron skillet handle pad.

FOs: Penguin Hat 2, Cables Love Pom Poms 2, Cross-Stitch for my sister, and the iron skillet handle pad for Hubster’s flat iron skillet.


9/10 Week
344/365 YTD
I ended with a 95% average!

December Goals

  1. UFO/OMG: Quilt Peacock Granny X
  2. Knitting: Baby Sweater X
  3. Sewing: Fox and Geese Sashing X
  4. Cowl: Eurasian-in progress X
  5. Mystery BOM: √ 
  6. Guild BOM: Ornaments √ 
  7. Squirrel: Snowflake Pillow √ 
  8. Charity: Begin piecing the next quilt X
  9. DrEAMI: Holly Berry Pillow √ 
  10. Bonnie Hunter’s Mystery QAL √ 
  11. Christmas Hat for Great-Nephew #1 √ 
  12. Christmas Hat for Great-Nephew #3 √ 
  13. Christmas Hat for Great Niece #1 √ 
  14. Guild BOM: January 2020 √ 
  15. Square Peg Table Runner √ 
  16. Cross-Stitch Mittens √ 
  17. Cross-Stitch 2002 √ 
  18. Start Cross-Stitch Woolens X
  19. Squirrel: Happy Holidays Top done
  20. Foxy hat for Hubster!

Dec saw a lot of away from home time, so things didn’t get done. But that’s OK, I have a new year to finish those unfinished things. And lots of things got added, so Squirrels were very much in attendance this month, LOL! So the average was 70% completion, I’ll live with it.

Linking with:
Oh Scrap 
Sunday Stash
15 Minutes

20 thoughts on “Stash Reports Week #52 End of Year

  1. so when you use your gift cards do you add that in your total spent for the year? do you just track your fabric as it comes in the house – not all that your presently have if you start this new- just wondering I don’t know if I will join in or not – interesting to keep track of what you have and what you use – but how in the world would one keep track of how many scraps you use?

    1. All my yarn was inventoried, so I know exactly how much I have there. For fabric I did not do an initial inventory, I just counted what was added. As I use it I calculate the amount of fabric cut by measuring the sides. Example, a 10”x24” piece is counted as 240 square inches. Knowing that a yard of fabric is about 36”x42” on average, that equals 1512 square inches. So I divide 240 by 1512 and get .16, which is the percentage of a yard that piece equals. I list that in my used column and calculate it for week, month, year. Of course, a yard is counted as a yard, 1/2 yard, 1/4 yard, etc, those are easy to track. I am OCD about things, so this works for me. If you don’t want to be this precise, just estimate how much scraps are used in your sewing. > >

  2. Thanks for sharing your fabric calculation, I wasn’t sure how to record things like my 10″ square pre-cuts, this percentage for square inches will work for me!!! I do love following your blog and your lists. Well done!!!

  3. Hi Chris! Iron skillet handle pad??!! I need me one of those, STAT. I was just using mine last night and I drape the pot holder over the handle so that I don’t forget to use it. Do I have to say how I know that I HAVE to use it?!! Great job on no ins and I have some gift cards that are raring to be used, too. Happy Happy New Year my friend. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Congrats on the 95% success rate in finding time to stitch. That’s really impressive. Have a very happy new year. Thank you for linking up with the 15 minutes to stitch in 2019. Hope to see you back in 2020.

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