Tuesday To Do

Last Week:

  1. Start quilting on a T-shirt top /
  2. Squirrel-a pouch is percolating X
  3. Footnote start X
  4. Afghan Squares, MUST PUT THEM TOGETHER!! X
  5. Keep up with SAHRR /
  6. Extras 1-8: various items shown below √ √ √ √ √ √ / /
  7. I knit on Regina Marie!!! /


T-shirt quilting has begun and I stink at FMQ! Ugh. Ruler work is easy. FMQ? Not! I finished the missing blocks from last week’s SAHRR and got this week’s done after getting my fabric Friday. Then I went on a journey of sewing up scraps and making placemats and mug rugs, Even a mini runner made it in there. The last 2 photos are sneak peeks of my finishes for this week! Come back Friday for that reveal. I didn’t bother to take a photo of Regina Marie, it looks the same, just a bit longer. 

We went to a local spot to eat and listen to live music last night with friends. They teased me about my knitting, but I am used to it. I can hear and knit at the same time! LOL If I am ever going to get this done I need to knit on it when the mood strikes.

This Week:

  1. Continue with T-shirt quilt 
  2. Knit on Regina Marie
  3. Bind some finishes
  4. Maybe sew just 1 afghan square? 
  5. Cute out a few Footnote blocks

I need to FOCUS on that T-shirt quilt, maybe bribe myself with a new start if I quilt on it 3 days this week? I have been sewing the border and sashing as I go, so at least I won’t have to finish that when I get the blocks all done. 

OK, now to the participation part! Please link up your weekly To-Do list! Thank you so much of those who participated last week, I was scared that no one would continue without the Gals at Home Sewn steering the ship!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


And that brings me to, Prize Time!! I promised a prize to one of the List makers from last week, a random number generator chose #24, which means the winner is…..DQ at Daughters of Dorinda, I am assuming it’s Deana? Leave me a comment on this post so I can contact you to arrange for shipping your prize. Congrats!


45 thoughts on “Tuesday To Do

  1. I love your placemates and mug rugs Chris.
    I started a new crochet blanket last Sunday, but it is not one of my to do list.I am concentrating my list for quilting and patchwork.
    Thanks for hosting. and good luck with your goals for this week.

  2. Pingback: Daisy Chain
  3. I forgot last week to link up so made sure I remembered today – I think it is nice to bring your knitting along if you want to be keeping your fingers busy!

    1. My choir director always marveled that I could knit while we practiced. But I usually knew my notes and words so well I didn’t need to watch my sheet music, and I could watch her easily while I knit. Thanks! I need all the luck I can get. > >

  4. Hi Chris! Oooh, stooping to bribery are we?! HAHA! I say whatever works to get that PIA project off your back and out of the house. You are quite accomplished in FMQ, I think. T-shirt quilts are a whole different breed and can’t be compared to regular quilts. Get ‘er done – you’ll be SO happy when it is. Think about the new project or squirrel you’re going to start just as soon as it is d.o.n.e. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. I’m with you on the FMQ. I’m trying to warm up to it, but it’s a slow process. I’ve made a few t-shirt quilts, and I have two (one for each “kid”) on my someday-make-this list.

    1. I’m not getting too warm in that area. LOL! I am glad my kids haven’t saved T-shirts, and they better not start now! Of course Hubster wants me to make him a quilt with his Crown Royal bags. Yeah, NOT! > >

  6. I often bribe myself with the reward of a new project ONLY once I finish whatever it is I’ve been procrastinating over. LOL. I don’t have much of a sewing “to do” list this week. But there is a huge “life” to do list.

  7. You got a lot done last week! I am not good with FMQ either. I just can’t plan ahead enough to see what to do next. But I thought everyone with a long arm must be great at FMQ. I bribe myself too, but it’s usually that I bribe myself with quilting time if I will spend 30 minutes doing paperwork. lol

    1. Nope, not everyone is a pro right off the bat. Definitely not me. But I know practice is the only way to get better. The pantographs help me get the smooth muscle memory, but my problem is not knowing where to go next. Hm, maybe that’s a metaphor for my life? LOL! > >

  8. Ooh, you BRIBE yourself to work on UFOs with the reward of starting a NewFO?! I love that idea, you enabler you! 😍. And I can totally relate to feeling so much better about one’s ruler work quilting versus free motion. Such a bummer to have visions of beautiful feather wreaths in one’s head, only to quilt strings of ogre toes on the actual quilt in front of you… 🤣. But you WILL get better at FMQ if you stick with it. It’s like your knitting — sometimes it doesn’t look like you’ve made much progress in a single sitting, but if you just keep at it you will eventually be rewarded with a beautiful finish!

    1. Thanks, I know that in my head, but making myself practice is the issue! Kind of like when you were little and HAD to practice your cello. Yuck I hate cellos! But with a last name starting with W by the time I got to see the orchestra teacher all the flutes were gone! LOL > >

      1. How can you hate cellos?!!! Oh my gosh, I have a friend who plays cello at church and I could listen to that ALL DAY. Does every little girl want to play the flute? I didn’t get to play flute, either. My big sister talked me into playing saxophone instead, and then when I got to the first group lesson I was the ONLY girl in the room. My saxophone adventures were VERY short-lived! 🙂

      2. LOL! I don’t hate cello sounds, I just don’t want to play one! I am dumb when it comes to strings, but can find my way around a piano! Too bad I never got the chance to take piano lessons. >

  9. The placemats are cute! Been making that kind of stuff here, too. I used to take my knitting to the kids’ ballgames when they were younger but I always felt so self-conscious about it. Wish more people took their knitting everywhere so it would be the norm! I’d be much more likely to go out and be social if I could multi-task! I think 60% of my brain is focused on making something no matter where I am anyway!

    1. I take my knitting everywhere! In the car, to concerts, ballgames-pro and high school/college. Now, I don’t take it to weddings, but church, and other social events, sure! I love your placemats, they keep reminding me I need to make some for me! > >

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