Stash Reports


Sewing Stats
Fabric In: +4.00 yards
Fabric Out: -7.70 yards
Net Fabric: -3.70 yards
Fabric YTD: +17.77 yards
Spending YTD: $1003.60

In: Backs for charity tops and a marker and threads

Out: Lots of yardage for backs, borders, and bindings! Coco Puffs finish, but reveal won’t be until the WOOFA update at the end of the month. 

Charity Quilting for H2H, reveal on Monday


Slow Stitching is still afghan finishing. This needs to be more front and center! 

Knitting Stats
Last Week: 55,109 yards/288 skeins
Knitted: 30 yards/0 skeins
Purchased: 0 yards/0 skeins
Ending Stash: 55,079 yards/288 skeins
Spending YTD: $20.87

In: Nothing

Out: a few more rows on the afghan square

6/7 Days Week

April Goals

  1. 2021 UFO Challenge #4 Wash and Rinse top done √
  2. Guild BOM X
  3. Quilts Plus BOM X
  4. Brooks’ Baby Quilt √
  5. Squirrel-I’ve got an idea what this will be X
  6. Squirrel-This one too! LOL X
  7. WOOFA-Coco Table Topper √
  8. Connor’s Afghan /
  9. 2021 Table Scraps-Trafalgar √
  10. Placemats/Mug Rugs √
  11. Regina Marie Shawl /
  12. Extra: Charity Baby Quilt √

√ Done / In Progress X Not Done

Linking with the Sunday links in the sidebar.

28 thoughts on “Stash Reports

    1. Reveal coming Friday, along with the 2nd H2H quilt for Quilts For Kids in Indiana. Figured it was easy to get both done and pass them on since I was going to sew with friends on Tuesday. > >

  1. You’ve probably been asked this a million times. But, how do you calculate fabric “out”, (used), when you are using scraps? Seems I just keep sewing, sewing and my space never empties! LOL!

    1. I am very OCD. I just take the dimensions of the piece I use, say a 5”x7” scrap, and multiple the lengths, 5”x7”=35 sq inches, then I divide that by the total dimensions of a yard of fabric, 36”x42”=1512 square inches, figuring that we really only get 42” usable fabric from a yard. So 35”÷1512”=.02 of a yard. Yes, I am that precise. LOLOLOL!!! >

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